Клінічна хірургія (Jul 2018)
Dynamics of the endotoxicosis indices in patients, suffering extended purulent peritonitis
Objective. To investigate the endotoxicosis indices dynamics in patients, suffering extended purulent peritonitis (EPP) during the treatment process. Маterials and methods. In the investigation 39 patients, suffering EPP in terminal stage, were included. Quantitative contents of endotoxin in the blood serum (the amoebacytes lysate Limulus) was determined in dynamics, using LAL-test, and the patient’s state severity was estimated, basing on clinical and laboratory indices. Hospital lethality have characterized the disease course. Results. In patients with positive clinical dynamics (Group I) the average quantitative indices of endotoxicosis have lowered trustworthily (р=0.0001). In the patients, who died (Group II), the endotoxicosis quantitative indices dynamics were trustworthily higher, comparing with average indices in patients of Group I (р < 0.05). Conclusion. Еndotoxicosis, measuring more 5 еndotoxic units in 1 ml of the blood serum, during 3 postoperative days constitutes one of indications for reoperation. LAL-test in patients, suffering EPP, has statistically significant prognostic and diagnostic value, what substantiates recommendation for its application as indicator of the pathological process course.