Acta Iuris Stetinensis (Jan 2016)
Wykładnia logiczna artykułu 199a ustawy Ordynacja podatkowa
In case of doubt as to the legal nature of the legal action, which is a taxable person, the tax authority may request the Court to determine the existence of a legal relation/Such action is to prevent taxpayers making apparent steps to reduce the tax base or tax amounts. The author makes analysis of the provisions of the civil and tax procedures(also civil substantive law) with the help of logical interpretation of the meaning of legal norms on the basis of the legal reasoning. Taken will also attempt to determine the effects of the legal action’ apparentness for the taxpayer in respect of the possibility of emotions the final decision concerning the amount of tax it and define the conditions for exemption from the possibility of bringing an action by the tax authority to establish the existence of a legal relation.