Cahiers des Amériques Latines (May 2017)

Alimentación y análisis nutricional en La Habana bajo el prisma de la etnocontabilidad : el caso comparativo de las familias Vázquez y López

  • Margalida Mulet Pascual

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 84
pp. 125 – 146


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This article aims to show the influence of the socio-economic transformations imposed on the food culture in the island since the triumph of the revolution. On the one hand, we found a lack of reliability of official macro-economic and statistical data on agricultural production and of the nutritional intake of Cubans, on the other hand. This phenomenon is found in turn in international organizations such as FAO or WHO, which, in lack of own data, publish their official data without a critical analysis. This article proposes a more direct and comprehensive understanding of the food phenomenon in Cuba through cohabitation and participant observation within the Vazquez’s and López family. Our methodology is ethno-accounting analysis of the food shopping and circuits used in the family during a period of 15 days, as well as consumed meals and nutritional conversion (kcal, protein, carbohydrates, lipids).
