ეკონომიკური პროფილი (Jan 2022)


  • Evgeni Baratashvili,
  • Leila Mamulashvili

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 2(22)
pp. 130 – 137


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Thinking is one of the most important characteristics of a person bearing great importance in their activities. Thinking is an active process of reflecting reality in human consciousness, which relies on knowledge, intuition, habits and skills and determines human behaviour in a particular situation. Thinking is not only a source of knowledge, but also a more complex characteristic of a person. It determines the success of their activities, no matter what the person is busy with. A manager's job is to interact with people, make managerial decisions. The quality of decisions depends on the nature and type of thinking of the manager. A manager shall work not only with people, but also take care of the development of their own qualities, which is especially important in the context of the development of his thinking. Systemic thinking is considered one of the most valuable characteristics of a researcher, since, in the course of assessment and analysis it helps to cover the entire event, to consider the various connections between its components, properties and characteristics, to find the main system-forming factor, to notice the invisible aspects of the problem and predict the behaviour of elements. In the practice of conducting a research, it also happens that the researcher becomes obsessed with any detail that leads him in another direction, it becomes a leading idea and, over time, loses focus on the essence. The conceptual type of thinking is a certain type of modification of the systemic type, its “amplifier” and “stabiliser”. A concept is a set of key provisions or a set of shapes enabling the maintenance of the domain of the research. This is a kind of compass in the movement of a thought. In the area of management, such provisions for the research may be the following: Management is diverse and multi-optional, that is why it cannot be minimized to one of its options, no matter how perfect it may seem. Management is based on striving towards harmony (agreement, organisation, coordination, etc.), that is, harmony of balance, resistance and combinations. The concept reflects the unique ability of a person to combine in research their knowledge with predictions, existing understanding of certain events, beliefs and assumptions about the essence of the first and second order. Theoretical thinking is characterised by striving towards abstract generalisation, the search for patterns, the formation of a theory, general signs of objectivity, the definition of certain conclusions and results of the research, the universality of provisions and formulations. Theoretical thinking being far from reality is dangerous, with such an abstraction that leads to the loss of the features of the essence of the event, theoretical over-simplification or unjustified globalism. Empirical thinking is also important, prioritising experience, generalisation, limitation by experience and relies solely on the results of experience in assessing. The existence of experience is seen as the highest form of proof and argumentation. The factorial type of thinking is manifested in the systematisation of facts and assessments, in the construction of a whole logical chain of research and conclusions on specific facts. Sometimes such thinking is accompanied by artificial exaggeration of certain facts due to insufficiently in-depth understanding of the role of a fact in determining the essence of the event. In this case, there is a threat that scientific explanation will be replaced by factorial one, which is usually limited to existing facts, however it does not always facilitate to fact-finding, identification and in-depth understanding. The thinking of any researcher can be assessed in the context of a mechanism, i.e. in the context of a set of tools used in the thinking process, thanks to which ideas are born, conclusions, thoughts, and hypotheses are generated, arguments are sought and the acquired knowledge is implemented.
