Хабаршы. Заң сериясы (Jun 2020)


  • T.M. Abaydeldinov,
  • S.T. Tynybekov,
  • B.T. Zhumagulov,
  • A.B. Zhumabayeva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 94, no. 2
pp. 66 – 72


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The compre he nsive e xpa nsion of e conomic tie s, mutua lly be ne ficia l socio-politica l a nd cultura l coope ra tion toge the r with the common historica l de ve lopme nt a llowe d the countrie s of the post-So-vie t spa ce to pa y se rious a tte ntion to the possibilitie s of inte gra tion pa rtne rship. The forma tion of the E ura sia n E conomic Community on the ba sis of the Commonwe a lth of Inde pe nde nt Sta te s wa s the first significa nt ste p towa rds the cre a tion of a powe rful e conomic bloc of the E ura sia n contine nt. The subse que nt unifica tion of customs borde rs in the forma t of the Customs Union a nd the cre a tion of the Single E conomic Spa ce of Russia , Ka za khsta n a nd Be la rus ha ve only confirme d the growing prospe cts for e conomic a nd socia l ra pproche me nt be twe e n the se countrie s. Cre a tion of unite d la bor ma rke t on the te rritory of E ura sia n e conomic Union le a ds to a pproxi-ma tion of the la bor la ws of the Union’s sta te s. Tha t kind of a pproxima tion a ims to ma ke coope ra tion a nd functioning of the ne wborn union more e ffe ctive . The proble m conce rne d the de ve lopme nt of the dire ctions a nd a pproa che s of forma tion of the uniform la bor le gisla tion, a mong which a re the institute s of a n e mployme nt contra ct. The a rticle de a ls with the conce pt of a n e mployme nt contra ct in the la bor le gisla tion of the countrie s a nd re ve a ls its spe cie s a nd ge ne ric cha ra cte ristics. Compa ra tive a na lysis of te rminology of la bor contra ct of the E E U’s countrie s, a s we ll a s of individua l E urope a n Union countrie s wa s ca rrie d out.
