In this study, a microsatellite-based multiplex PCR panel for meagre (Argyrosomus regius) was developed as a useful and single tool in parental assignment and population studies. Twenty-one specific and interspecific microsatellites from different aquaculture species of meagre (Argyrosomus regius), Japanese meagre (A. japonicus), red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and yellow meagre (Acoupa weakfish) were assessed for genetic variability, allelic range and genotype reliability. Finally, a SuperMultiplex for Argyrosomus regius (SMAr) was designed with only the best eight microsatellite markers. The panel assessment was performed using a batch of brood stock from one company and a sample of 616 offspring. It was possible to assign 95% of the offspring to a single pair of parents using the exclusion method. It is therefore considered an easy procedure, and a powerful and low-cost tool for parental assignment to support companies’ breeding programs and to exchange information between research groups.