CTE Workshop Proceedings (Mar 2013)

Web-based expert system for diagnosing computer Internet connection problems

  • I. D. Baranchuk

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1


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The work of any Internet provider is practically impossible without technical support service. For the average subscriber, a "good" Internet service provider differs from a "bad" one in quality technical support and fast solution to arising problems. According to statistics 8 out of 10 customers periodically call technical support of their Internet-provider. There are many factors that negatively affect the work of the service, here are some of them: the lack of qualified specialists, quickly and qualitatively help customers; decrease of technical support service productivity, as arising problems require full analysis of a complex set of conditions, and an ordinary specialist is almost unable to analyze (in the allotted time) these conditions; a significant discrepancy between the decisions made by the best and worst workers. All this leads to a decrease in the quality and speed of the relevant service.
