مدیریت دولتی (Mar 2016)
An Investigation of Organizational Ambidexterity dominant element in the scientific and technological organizations (Case study: ICECR)
This study aims to achieve a theory in the field of organizational ambidexterity and has been done to better understand this phenomenon in scientific and technological organizations. The research Method is based on qualitative Study and relying on Grounded Theory, in Data collection unstructured and semi-structured research interviews was used and for Data Analysis paradigm model Clarified by Strauss and Corbin was applied. By Using Theoretical Sampling and using sampling techniques targeted (Purposive) Sampling and application of Snowball (chain) and Purposive Sampling was carried out on the basis of 16 interviews with administrators, faculty and Academic Experts of ACECR Which were Experienced in the field of Exploitation and Exploration and are Expert in both Fields. Analysis of Interview Data in The Process of Open Coding, Axial Coding and Selective Coding emerged in a theory in the field of ambidexterity in which architecture of Ambidexterity based on Committed Intelligence, Engineering Exploration and Technology-Based Exploration were Selected as Main Concepts Orienting to Ambidextrous