Jurnal Vektor Penyakit (Aug 2017)
Konfirmasi Nyamuk Anopheles sebagai Vektor Malaria dengan Elisa di Desa Pinamula Kec. Momunu Kab. Buol
one of the important part to find an appropriate malaria control in high endemic areas is detertnine the status of malaria vectors. ELISA test methods used to determine the status of malaria vectors. Buol District is one of regencies in Central Sulawesi that has malaria problem. The number of clinical malaria (Annual Malaria Incidence) is always in the position Medium Insidence Area (MM). Collecting mosquitoes were conducted in December 2006 in Pinamula Wllage. Mosquito collection is done by using landing collections conducted indoors, outdoors, housewall and around cattle startedfrom A6:0A PM to 06:00 AM. Enzyme linked Immunosorbance Assay (ELISA) test was pedorrned on all Anopheles samples. Ihe result showed that three pools positive identified as P and 10 pools positive falciparum identified as P. vivax (Total 66 pools (sinks) for testing P falciparum and P Wvax.). An. barbirostris and An.tesselatus were confi.rrned as vectors ofmalaria and confirmed positive as P.falcifarum and P vivax. whereas An. peditaeniatus and An. vagus only positive as-P vivax.