Doklady Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta informatiki i radioèlektroniki (Oct 2022)
Improvement of the Classification Method for the Fire Hazard Level in Forests Using Meteorological and Aerospace Data
The article proposes improvements to the method for determining the fire hazard level in forests based on predictive meteorological and aerospace data. A brief analysis of various methods for the fire hazard level determining in forests and the sets of initial parameters used in this case was carried out in order to determine the final method's optimal characteristics and properties for further application. The calculation of the fire hazard assessment is based on the flammability basic indicator according to weather conditions and correction factors based on the vegetation indices values. Vegetation indices division into quartiles is proposed for a vegetation relative assessment in the territory under consideration. Maps of the forest blocks distribution by fire hazard classes for the Volozhinsky forestry enterprise territory were obtained according to the proposed and other methods. A comparative analysis of the numerical and spatial characteristics of the obtained assessments of forests fire hazard using various methods was carried out. According to the improved methodology assessment results, its application results correlate with the assessment according to the standardized methodology, but adjusted according to the vegetation assessment results. It is advisable to verify the proposed methodology during a fire hazard period in real conditions, followed by an assessment of the results and refinement if necessary.