مدیریت و چشم انداز آموزش (Aug 2021)
The mediating role of social goals in the relationship between psychological vulnerability and responsibility of female high school students
Extended AbstractAbstractThe aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of social goals in the relationship between psychological vulnerability and responsibility of female high school students in Sangar. The research method is essentially descriptive-correlative. The statistical population of the study consists of 730 female junior high school students. The sample size was obtained by cluster random sampling of 252 people. Gaff Student Responsibility Questionnaire (1957), Social Goals, Elliott McGregor (2001) and Carpentry and David Mental Vulnerability Questionnaire (2001) were used to collect data. The data authenticity was approved by professors of academic expertise and their reliability was also confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient test. In order to analyze the data, the structural equation technique was used by means of Lisrel statistical software and Spss statistical software. Findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between students' psychological vulnerability with social goals and their responsibility. There is a positive and significant relationship between students' social goals and their responsibility. The results showed that social goals play a mediating role in the relationship between psychological vulnerability and students' responsibility.IntroductionResponsibility is a conscious, non-coercive choice in determining one's own behavior and how to treat others in social relationships (Escartí, Wright, Pascual, & Gutiérrez, 2015). The results of numerous studies show that responsible behavior in interpersonal relationships will lead to flexibility, social adjustment and ultimately success in life. Irresponsible behavior also leads to selfish behavior and disorder in social relationships. Therefore, having people with a high spirit of responsibility is one of the great social assets. But unfortunately, today we see people escaping responsibility and we see environments that reinforce the grounds for irresponsibility in people. Statistical evidence suggests that today moral weakness is recognized as the most important economic, social and cultural problem and adolescents have a low spirit of responsibility in the field of individual and social (Ahmadizamani, goodarzi, dialameh, 2020). Psychological vulnerability refers to the susceptibility and readiness of individuals to suffer from mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. Mental damage or disorder is a syndrome or behavioral or psychological pattern clinically significant and is found in a person, and is associated with current distress or a significant increase in the risk of death, pain, or handicapping (Springer, 2018). Students are the greatest human assets of any society because by applying the science and knowledge and skills learned, they can take firm steps towards the excellence and development of society, so one of the important goals of the educational system is responsible students education (Gil, 2017). The ultimate goal of school education in schools should be to gradually separate students from dependence on the teacher and to teach them to do whatever necessary to guide and direct their behavior. Hence, one of the most comprehensive goals of education in any society should be to teach students to take responsibility for their actions (Cheng, 2017). This study tries to answer the question whether there is a significant relationship between psychological vulnerability and responsibility of female high school students with the mediating role of social goals.Theoretical frameworkResponsability is related to a concept called the locus of control. The locus of control refers to a person's perception of what is causing his behavior. Students with a high locus of internal control and self-control believe in themselves and their ability to cope with events. In particular, they believe that it is their actions that cause events to occur, not accidental events or people in power; therefore, they are more motivated and usually feel a sense of responsibility hidden in themselves. (Shim, 2018). Shim et al. (2017) conducted a study entitled "Investigating the relationship between social goals and psychological regulation through emotion regulation mediation in students." The results showed that emotion regulation has a mediating role in the relationship between social goals and psychological regulation, and the overall effects of social approach goals were weak; but social goals has had a direct effect on students' psychological regulation by reducing emotional regulation. Also, avoidance goals have a significant effect on psychological regulation by reducing the mediation of emotion regulation (Shim, 2017).MethodologyThe present study is methodologically a descriptive correlation. The statistical population of this study consisted of 730 female high school students in Sangar. Due to the large size of the statistical population, three schools were randomly selected; one class from each school, which includes the seventh, eighth and ninth grade. A total of 9 classrooms were selected with a student population of 252. The sampling method was cluster random. Goff standard questionnaire (1957) for students' responsibility variable, and Elliott and McGregor questionnaire (2001) for social goals variable were used to collect data. Najjarian and Davoodi questionnaire (2001) was used for the psychological vulnerability variable. The test of research hypotheses was used to analyze the collected data, and the structural equation method was used by means of LISREL8 statistical software to investigate the relationship between independent and mediating variables with the dependent variable.Discussion and ResultsStructural equation software has been used to assess the mediating role of social goals in the relationship between psychological vulnerability and responsibility of female high school students. Since the root mean index of the mean squared is approximately 0.037, the model has a good fit. Other goodness-of-fit indicators have also been accepted in the range.According to the results of testing the first hypothesis, it was found that the strength of the relationship between psychological vulnerability and social goals is equal to (-0.60), which shows that the correlation is desirable. The t-test of the test was obtained (-7.67) which is smaller than the critical value of t at the 5% error level (-1.96) and shows that the observed correlation is significant. Therefore, it can be said that there is a negative and significant relationship between students' psychological vulnerability and their social goals.Based on the results of the second hypothesis of the research, it was found that the strength of the relationship between social goals and responsibility is equal to (0.76), which shows that the correlation is desirable. The t-test of the test (8.72) was obtained which is greater than the critical value of t at the level of 5% error (1.96) and shows that the observed correlation is significant. Therefore, it can be said that there is a positive and significant relationship between students' social goals and their responsibility.The third hypothesis examined the relationship between students' psychological vulnerability and their responsibility. Based on the results of examining the third hypothesis of the study, it was found that the strength of the relationship between mental vulnerability and responsibility is equal to (-0.42), which shows that the correlation is favorable. The t-test of the test (-5.40) was obtained which is smaller than the critical value of t at the 5% error level (-1.96) and shows that the observed correlation is significant. Therefore, it can be said that there is a negative and significant relationship between students' psychological vulnerability and their responsibility.ConclusionThe aim of this study was to assess the mediating role of social goals in the relationship between psychological vulnerability and responsibility of female high school students in Sangar. According to the results of the first hypothesis test, it can be said that there is a negative and significant relationship between students' psychological vulnerability and their social goals. The result is that studying is a priority for everyone and it is very difficult for the students to drop out of the school. They never forget school after graduation, and help their friends at the earliest opportunity if they need help.. The test results of the main hypothesis are consistent with and supported by research findings (moazenzadeh, 2017; Mohamadi, 2015; Machadoo & et al, 2017).Based on the results of examining the second hypothesis of the research, it can be said that there is a positive and significant relationship between students' social goals and their responsibility. Therefore, it is concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between students' social goals and their responsibility. The result is explained that when students simply make friends with others in the school and classroom environment and communicate more easily with others, they are better able to feel relaxed at the classroom and follow the teacher's instructions. They listen well to their friends when they talk about their problems. The first sub-hypothesis is consistent with and supported by research findings (Kholghifar, 2014; Ajilchi, 2014; Ghazanfar, 2016).Based on the results of the third hypothesis of the research, it can be said that there is a negative and significant relationship between students' psychological vulnerability and their responsibility. The result is explained by the fact that students are far from believing that their lives are often controlled by random events. At the same time, they do not accept the view that when they reach their goal, it is usually because of their own good-luck, and they attribute the results of their performance to their own efforts. The results of the second sub-hypothesis test are consistent with and supported by research findings (Torabi Zonouz, Mahmoud Alilou, Pak, 2020; Hamideh Moghadam, Sharifipour Chokami, Abolghasemi, 2021; Darzi Azadboni, fakhri, mirzaeian, 2019).The main hypothesis of the study was to examine the mediating role of social goals in the relationship between psychological vulnerability and student responsibility. The result is explained in such a way that students' sense of responsibility arises when they are given responsibility. If you want the students and future builders of the country to be responsible, they should not be afraid to make mistakes. Students can be better responsible people if they have information in dealing with life issues and learn from their mistakes. The key to success in creating a sense of responsibility in a person is resolution and commitment. At the same time, they should be reminded that in any case they must accept the consequences of his mistakes. Test results of the main hypothesis with research findings (Torabi Zonouz, Mahmoud Alilou, Pak, 2020; Hamideh Moghadam, Sharifipour Chokami, Abolghasemi, 2021; Darzi Azadboni, fakhri, mirzaeian, 2019) is compliant and supported.