Научен вектор на Балканите (May 2020)
The article covers pedagogical conditions of development of legal competence of border guard officers. Pedagogical conditions are defined taking into account the provisions of a systematic, competent, active and personal approach, as well as the principles of scientific accuracy, priority of self-study, connection with practice, use of officers’ professional experience, the principle of openness, context, continuity, facilitation of communication partnership and cooperation. It is proved that for development of legal competence to border guards officers during their training in magistracy the formation of theoretical basis of legal consciousness and legal competence, providing the necessary level of systematization of knowledge about the law, development of legal interests, feelings, legal thinking, formation of scientific legal worldview is important. Taking into account the specifics of the professional activities of border guards, it is stated that it is necessary to highlight actual problems of legal support of the activities of state border protection agencies and the latest threats and challenges to border security in the content of the training of border guards. In the context of the following pedagogical condition for the development of the legal competence to border guard officers during their training in the Master's degree, the importance of the operational component of the pedagogical impact, in particular the choice and use of optimal teaching methods, is taken into account. The choice of training methods is conditioned by the need to take into account the peculiarities of the nature of law enforcement activity, the need to solve complex problem tasks and make a decision on legitimacy / illegitimacy, guilt / innocence, etc. Related to this is the importance of such a pedagogical condition as modeling practical situations of professional activity on the basis of problems for officers to work out the skills of making legally sound managerial decisions on the organization of state border protection. Another pedagogical condition for the development of legal competence of border guard officers takes into account the nature of the presenting and receiving of legal information in modern conditions, the need for the border guard to constantly find, use, distribute and store both legal and non-legal information. The need for online services, digital databases and online tools has been proven to equip officers with the skills necessary to obtain up-to-date legal information. The importance of pedagogical support for the development of motivation for self-education of officers in order to acquire their ability to research the legal aspects of border protection has also been confirmed.