Гуманитарные и юридические исследования (Nov 2024)

Dynamics of socio-economic development of nomadic peoples of the steppe Ciscaucasia in the 1870-1890s. Based on materials from Stavropol Province Reviews

  • B. V. Ochirov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 3
pp. 496 – 506


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Introduction. The article analyzes socio-economic development of nomadic peoples (Kalmyks, Nogais and Turkmens) on the territory of the Stavropol province in the 1870-1890s. Based on materials from Stavropol Province Reviews, information about the economy and social life of these peoples was studied and presented. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the topic is poorly studied. Stavropol Province Reviews have not yet been the main object of research in terms of studying the history of nomadic peoples. The purpose of this work is to systematize information about nomadic peoples, based on the materials of the Stavropol Province Reviews, which will make it possible to form a more comprehensive understanding of their socio-economic development in the specified period.Materials and Methods. The study is based on the analysis of extensive materials from the Surveys of the Stavropol province, based on the principles of historicism, systemic analysis, and the comparative method, which made it possible to consider key aspects of the socio-economic development of nomadic peoples in this period. Analysis. The article provides a comparative analysis of Reviews that examine the demographic situation among the nomadic population in the Stavropol province. Based on the materials of Reviews, it was concluded that the census of the number of nomads was not accurate. Analysis of indicators of agriculture and livestock breeding made it possible to assess the dynamics of development of the economy of nomadic peoples. An important phenomenon closely related to the economic activities of nomadic societies was the process of transition to a sedentary lifestyle. Kalmyks, Nogais and Turkmens in the 1880s continued for the most part to lead a nomadic lifestyle. An important key point in the development of the nomadic economy was its structural transformation. A striking example of this is the appearance of a finewool breed of sheep in nomadic societies. Results. The Stavropol Province Reviews help to expand the understanding of the state of socio-economic development of the nomadic peoples of the Stavropol Province. They provide valuable information that can be used to clarify and supplement information from other sources. The Reviews data also allow for a comparative description of nomadic and peasant households and to give them a more objective historical assessment. The studied data show that most nomads retained their way of life, but their main wealth – cattle – was decreasing, as were pasture lands. This led to the rapid impoverishment of nomadic peoples and their transition to a sedentary way of life.
