Trudy Odesskogo Politehničeskogo Universiteta (Apr 2018)
Interdisciplinary approach to informational teaching environment formation
Different types of information sources that are inherent in the teaching environment generate a variety of informational fields and flows, which creates difficulties for students in choosing tools for processing, display and analysis of information. The purpose of the work is to show new opportunities that are provided due to geometrization of informational flows in the “student – informational teaching environment” system on an interdisciplinary basis. It allows comparing informational teaching flows with their graphic images – geometric models, which greater visibility contributes to their thorough research and analysis using interconnected parameters and statistical indicators. The use of unified means of exposing the structure of informational flows and fields facilitates the analysis of their spatiotemporal consistency. This will contribute to optimization of the teaching environment structure, the adaptability of which will give students a sense of efficiency while teachers will get new opportunities for creating innovative tools for teaching and self-education.