RiCognizioni (Dec 2015)

Era uma vez corpos e lendas: versões, transformações, memoria

  • Eni Puccinelli Orlandi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 4


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We aim to understand the subject of the southern region of Minas Gerais, in its significance and identification processes. The analysis material is a popular story circulating in the region, the Dry Body, in their versions. We inscribe our analysis in the field of discourse analysis and redefine what is narrative, articulating the subject, memory and senses circulation space. We conclude that, in this tale, in his metaphorical effects, talk incest, prohibition that crosses time and takes different forms: beating, ride, rape. A dry body, a Mineiro Oedipus, in his phallic gesture to remain unburied, haunts the memory of this signification space.
