Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems (Jan 2022)
Remote control of environmental parameters in rabbitry based on IoT
Thanks to new modern modes of communication, many and various possibilities offer taking advantage of enhanced and developed technologies. Researchers are constantly introducing better technological solutions which overcome former ones. This has led to rethink some tasks. To put them into action, automatically, this approach will be presented in this paper and will give interesting examples. Based on a networking concept, concrete examples will be described. The application will show how, among various servers, we have retained the one named ThingSpeak having been used to illustrate the IoT's technology utility. On account of the high rate in rabbit mortality this application is implemented in rabbitry The paper illustrates a prototype framework describing a real-time monitoring application. This study takes into account various factors such temperature, humidity and NH3 gas, that could cause rabbit mortality. So, thanks to offered real-time intervention, the mortality rate would be decreased. How, this would be obtained? That's what will be developed towards this paper. Thanks to Smartphones, the breeder has the possibility to accede to better manage his rabbitry. Examples are underlined to see how helpful is nowadays technology. Some enhancements, dealing with this effort, are previewed in the future.