مجلة التربية والعلم (Oct 2007)

Effect of Aerobic Bacterial Infection to The Semen Parameters

  • Asma'a Al-Taee,
  • Abbas Al-Dajaily

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 2
pp. 73 – 85


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Semen analysis and culture assay were done ( 1 00) patients suspected tobe subfertile men attended the male infertility clinic at Al-Khansa'ahospital in Mosul. The following parameters of semen are studied suchas: semen volume liquefaction time sperm count, sperm motility andsperm morphology.Culture have been made in patients with abnormal semen and have puscells more than 5 cells in High Field Power (HFP).The most commonabnormalities in the semen are decreased sperm count and /or decreasedsperm motility. Culture and differential stain of patients' semen of infertile men shows a significant negative correlation to sperm count andsperm motility (When sperm count decreases sperm motilityincreases),Azoospermia and Oligospermic men show a significantincrease infection hapends as a compared to their non infected
