Mammary tumors of the dog and the cat: modern approaches to classification and diagnosis (review)
The study of oncopathology of the mammary gland of cats and dogs is a very relevant problem. This is evidenced by the presence of numerous scientific works and experimental research data of scientists from many countries. For a long time, there were no systematic approaches to the nomenclature and classification of canine and feline mammary gland tumors. That is why different countries of the world had their own national approaches to defining these pathologies. Long-term incomplete analysis of clinical cases, gaps in histopathology and interpretation of the obtained results were reflected in contradictory results, inaccuracies in terminology, definition of diagnosis and interpretations. This also inhibited clinical and experimental research, development and testing of effective drugs. Accumulation of clinical data, consolidated work of morphologists became the basis of lively discussions, which in turn was reflected in decisions to create unified classifications. Histological classification became the basis for the division of tumors of the mammary gland of cats and dogs. When conducting a scientific review, modern data from information resources and information from numerous international symposia and conferences were used. The authors also highlighted the key mechanisms of immune regulation of the oncogenic process. The role of immune cells, mediators of immune protection, in the development of oncopathology of the mammary gland is emphasized. Certain immunological tumor markers have been characterized, which are of great importance in the early stages of diagnosis. Special instrumental methods used by veterinary medicine doctors in routine diagnostics are also described. Prospects for the use of cell therapy with the use of modern immunological technologies were also made. The publication has a review and analytical nature and aims to attract the attention of scientists, diagnosticians and clinicians of various profiles to this issue, which will certainly become a continuation in the study of oncopathology. The unified classification will definitely be useful to scientists and practicing doctors, will enrich their knowledge about the mechanisms of tumor growth. We believe that a unified classification will allow researchers to use informative methods of diagnosis – both as a powerful tool in making an accurate diagnosis, and for effective approaches to differentiation and treatment strategies for patients.