Universitas Scientiarum (Dec 2011)
Caracterización fenotípica de accesiones de especies de Rubus L. de los municipios de Pamplona y Chitagá, región Nororiental de Colombia
Phenotypical characterization of Rubus L. species accessions in the provinces of Pamplona and Chitagá, northeastern region ofColombia. Objective. Determine the cultivated and wild species of Rubus in 53 commercial farms of Rubus glaucus Benth, owned byfour blackberry growers association in the provinces of Pamplona and Chitagá (North of Santander, Colombia). Materials and methods.Three to five specimens were collected from each farm and along the roadside. Plants aged 9 to 12 months established in the commercialfarms and wild materials with characteristics of Rubus were selected. Twenty two descriptors (fourteen quantitative and eight qualitative)were assessed. We considered the seventh and eighth branch buds both male and female (with five repetitions) and fruits and flowersof each material. Principal component analysis was done with the fourteen quantitative variables, to identify the descriptors that mostcontribute to the morphological differentiation of accessions. A conglomerate analysis was used for grouping accessions accordingto their similarity and dissimilarity. Results. Among the 147 accessions analyzed from the different farms, our study determined the presence of 6 different taxa: R. glaucus Benth (with and without spines), R. alpinus Macfad, R. adenotrichos Schltdl, R. rosifolius Sm.,R. bogotensis Kunth and R. floribundus Kunth Conclusions. The descriptors that differentiated the species and discriminated them bygroups by providing 77% of the information with the use of principal component analysis, were: length and width of central and lateralleaflets, length of flower and leaf structures, apex shape and number of secondary veins.