Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería (Dec 2006)

<title language="eng">Septic Tank (ST)-Up Flow Anaerobic Filter (UFAF)-Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland (SSF-CW) systems aimed at wastewater treatment in small localities in Colombia <a name="_VPID_20"></a>

  • Juan David Villegas Gómez,
  • Jhonniers Guerrero Erazo,
  • Juan Mauricio Castaño Rojas,
  • Diego Paredes Cuervo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 29, no. 3
pp. 269 – 281


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Se estudiaron modificaciones al conjunto Tanque Séptico (TS), Filtro Anaeróbio de Flujo Ascendente (FAFA), y Humedales Artificiales de Flujo Subsuperficial (HAFSS) para el tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas (ARD) en pequeños municipios. En primer lugar, se evaluó el empleo de medios de soporte de grava y anillos de guadua en FAFAs con tiempos de residencia hidráulica (TRH) inferiores a 8 horas, tratando un efluente de TS. Se obtuvieron remociones de 49,6% ± 2,6 en DQO, de 56,6% ± 2,1 en DBO5 y 62,4% ± 2,3 en SST, sin detectarse diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre tratamientos. Como complemento al sistema TS-FAFA, se evaluaron unidades piloto de HAFSS (TRH Research was done on Septic Tank (ST), Up Flow Anaerobic Filter (UFAF) and Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands (SSF-CW) arrangements, aimed at domestic wastewater (DWW) treatment in Colombian small localities. UFAF (commonly used as complementary treatment for ST effluents) with hydraulic residence times (HRT) up to 8 hours were evaluated using gravel and bamboo rings as supporting media. Removal efficiencies of 49.6% ± 2.6 of COD, 56.6% ± 2.1 of BOD5 and 62.4% ± 2.3 of TSS, were obtained. No significant statistical differences were detected between treatments. Pilots units of SSF-CW with HRTs up to 1 day were evaluated in order to reach a minimum of 80% removal efficiency on DWW, as established by Colombian legislation. Typha sp, Juncus sp and Renealmia alpina, vegetal species of the Colombian coffee-growing region, were planted in gravel and sand media. The systems reached BOD5 removal efficiencies of 50.6% ± 21, and indicator bacteria reductions near to 2 log cycles. No significant differences in efficiency were attained. The BOD5 removal rates encountered, in the ST-UFAF-SSF-CW package, during the study allows 80%. The results obtained from the present research were used in scaling-up a DWW treatment system in a small locality in Colombia.
