Вестник Научно-исследовательского института железнодорожного транспорта (Dec 2017)
Calculation methodology of current distribution in traction networks of AC current
Several publications have been devoted to the development of traction power supply for alternating current [1, 2]. They set the task of considering the resistance of the external power supply system and power traction transformers when calculating the current distribution in traction networks. With all the merits of the existing methods for calculating these resistances, there are discrepancies in the published sources in determining the parameters of the equivalent circuit for the traction power supply system [3, 4, 5, 6]. In the present work, the authors propose a technique for calculating reduced to a voltage of 27.5 kV equivalent resistances of an external power supply system and a power traction transformer. An equivalent circuit for replacing the traction power supply system is substantiated, allowing to take into account the voltage drop on the overall resistance of the external power supply system from the traction currents of the considered and adjacent feeder zones, as well as transit currents flowing through the power lines. Using the method of symmetrical components it was obtained that when calculating the internal resistance of a traction substation consisting of the resistances of the longitudinal power supply line and the power traction transformer, it is necessary to use the calculated formulas obtained when taking into account the actual current distribution in the secondary (traction) winding of the power traction transformer. It is shown that the traction network equivalent circuit for the calculation of short-circuit currents, given in [1, 2], does not reflect the real current distribution relationships in traction networks. The main reason for the inconsistency of the scheme proposed by a number of experts with the existing traction power supply system is determined by an unjustified transition from an asymmetric system “three-phase transmission line - transformer - power supply system - single-phase traction network” to a single-line calculation scheme. When calculating the current distribution according to this scheme, there is no metallic connection of the track with one of the phases (more often phase C ) of the power traction transformer. The absence of this connection leads to the flow of traction currents between the district and traction substations, short-circuit current on the ground, which is not permissible.