Rev Rene (Jan 2017)

Intervenções e resultados de enfermagem para risco de lesão por pressão em pacientes críticos

  • Luana Nunes Caldini,
  • Renan Alves Silva,
  • Georgia Alcântara Alencar Melo,
  • Francisco Gilberto Fernandes Pereira,
  • Natasha Marques Frota,
  • Joselany Áfio Caetano

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 5
pp. 598 – 605


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Objective: to establish relationships between nursing interventions and outcomes for the diagnosis Pressure ulcer risk in critically ill patients. Methods: longitudinal study of 63 patients in an intensive care unit. An instrument with clinical data of patients and the Braden Scale were used. The cross-mapping technique was used to establish the nursing interventions and outcomes for each risk factor. Results: four intervention/ outcome relationships were found for sensory perception; 11 for moisture; five for activity; six for nutrition; four for mobility; and three for friction/shear. Conclusion: thirty-three relationships related to the observed risk factors were found, with higher frequency of moisture. The relationships found with moisture were: urinary elimination, response to medication, wound healing: secondary intention, self-care: bathing, fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance, intestinal continence and tissue integrity: skin and mucous membranes.