Geofísica Internacional (Oct 2008)
Application of the pseudo-Thellier technique to a paleomagnetic record from lake El Trébol (Patagonia, Argentina)
The pseudo-Thellier technique was applied to obtain relative paleointensity determinations using a sediment core from Lake El Trébol (Patagonia, Argentina). Measurements of intensity of natural remanent magnetization left (NRMleft) after AF demagnetization versus intensity of anhysteric remanent magnetization gained (ARMgained) at the same peak were carried out on a set of samples. Two versions of a jackknife resampling scheme were used to get error estimates on the paleointensity. The pseudo-Thellier paleointensity records were compared with the authors previous results where the remanent magnetization at 20mT (NRM20mT) has been normalized using the anhysteric remanent magnetization at 20mT (ARM20mT), the saturation of the isothermal remanent magnetization at 20mT (SIRM20mT) and the low field magnetic susceptibility (k) (Gogorza et al., 2006). The pseudo-Thellier record shows a reasonable agreement with the standard method of normalization (NRM20mT/ ARM20mT).