INNOVATIONS in Pharmacy (Apr 2021)

Using the Higher Learning Commission’s Assessment Culture Matrix to Support Continuous Quality Improvement of a Simulated Patient Program

  • Molly Genereaux,
  • Michelle Nguyen,
  • Jolene R. Bostwick,
  • Sarah E. Vordenberg

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 2


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The purpose of this commentary is to advocate for the use of the Higher Learning Commission’s Assessment Culture Matrix to support continuous quality improvement (CQI) of simulated patient (SP) programs. We will share examples from our program demonstrating our maturation as it relates to leadership, shared mission and vision, faculty, and resources. While we are at the beginning stages of engaging students, we continue to make progress accessing and systematically using assessment data. We anticipate that sharing our process for utilizing this matrix may help other institutions as they conduct CQI with their SP programs and in other areas of their assessment portfolio.
