Gong-kuang zidonghua (Nov 2022)

Analysis of 5G private network technology and coal mine 5G private network scheme

  • HUO Zhenlong

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 48, no. 11
pp. 6 – 10, 19


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Most of the existing communication networks except 5G exist in the form of independent private networks. The performance of 5G wireless communication in bandwidth, delay, number of terminal connections, and reliability has been greatly improved. Accordingly, there are new changes in network architecture and networking mode. The private network scheme is no longer a single independent private network scheme. There are also hybrid private networks and virtual private networks. This paper introduces the key technologies of 5G private network, such as network slicing, mobile edge computing, 5G LAN, time-sensitive network and so on. This paper proposes three kinds of 5G private network schemes, namely virtual private network, hybrid private network and independent private network. The virtual private network has the characteristics of wide service scope, high flexibility, low cost, and short construction cycle. It is used for various applications which have wide coverage, have access terminals not fixed in time and space, and have certain service quality requirements and certain degree of data isolation requirements. The hybrid private network has short transmission path, high security, and low end-to-end delay. It can carry out a variety of flexible independent services, but privacy is weak. The independent private network provides a physical exclusive 5G private network to meet the needs of industrial users for high bandwidth, low delay, high security and high-reliability data transmission. This paper puts forward the general principles of 5G private network scheme selection in terms of safety, availability and reliability. This paper also proposes the special requirements of 5G private network in coal mine in terms of dispatching function, integration demand, independent operation and maintenance and intrinsic safety. The selection of 5G special network scheme for coal mine is proposed. In the early stage of intelligent construction of coal mine or there is no strict requirements on data confidentiality, system use convenience, system function expansion in the coal mine, the virtual private network or hybrid private network scheme can be selected. Otherwise, the independent private network scheme can be selected. It is pointed out that relatively more hybrid private network and virtual private network schemes are adopeted in coal mines at present. The hybrid private network and virtual private network will have some advantages in the future. With the gradual establishment of small core network ecology, the independent private network scheme will be recognized by more users. In a certain period in the future, the independent private network, virtual private network and hybrid private network schemes will give full play to their respective advantages. They serve the intelligent construction of coal mines in different periods and with different requirements.
