Pamiętnik Teatralny (May 2024)

Performer vs. Actor?: Grotowski and the Tradition of Italian Theatre

  • Dario Tomasello



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This article is devoted to the provocative proposal of a plausible relationship between Grotowski’s last season (above all his idea of the Performer) and a certain tradition of the Italian actor’s theatre. We understand this relationship and this provocation essentially in terms of micro-theatricality and intra-theatricality. By intra-theatricality we mean that method of composition which is inscribed in the tranches de vie of layered, multi-generational actors, in their ability to reuse existential sequences and to reproduce on stage the complex relational routine that the company represents as a community. Apart from the fact that the distance between the twentieth-century Performer and the traditional Italian actor has often been emphasized, there is something in the traditional profile of the Italian actor that, in the mid-twentieth century, paradoxically coincides with the mission that Grotowski assigns to the Performer. The purpose of this article is to explore these analogies.
