Saudi Endodontic Journal (Aug 2024)
A clinical approach in the management of endodontic-periodontal lesions of endodontic origin: Two case reports with 2-year follow-up
The term “endodontic-periodontal” (endo-perio) lesions describe lesions with the involvement of pulpal tissues and the periodontium of a tooth. These cases regarding the diagnosis, management, and prognosis of teeth are challenging for the clinician. The aim of this article was to discuss two cases of endo-perio lesions in molars with large periapical radiolucencies. Two healthy male individuals came with a chief complaint of pain during chewing. During clinical examination, a deep periodontal pocket of 10 mm and 7 mm, respectively, was noticed in both cases, and large periapical radiolucencies extended to the apical region were confirmed by the intraoral periapical radiographs. Evaluation of the symptoms together with the clinical findings determined the diagnosis endo-perio lesion of endodontic origin and accordingly the decision for the management. The successful treatment outcome with the periodontal healing in both cases was observed soon 40 days after orthograde root canal treatment. Conservative endodontic therapy was the key to the healing of the periapical tissues in endo-perio lesions of endodontic origin. The clinical approach as well as the 2-year follow-up of those compromised endo-perio lesions showed that endodontic therapy resulted in the healing, whereas no periodontal therapy was performed and the initial decision-making was confirmed.