Vojnosanitetski Pregled (Jan 2010)
Histopathological finding as a prognostic factor of the surgical treatment outcome in colorectal cancer
Background/Aim. Adenocarcinomas of the colon are the most common malignant colorectal tumors. Macroscopic and histopahtological features of colorectal cancer significantly affect its outcome. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of histopahological finding as a prognostic factor on the surgical treatment outcome and the course of the disease. Methods. In the first part of this study the distribution (numerical and proportional) of certain histopathological parameters in the examined groups of patients were reviewed; in the second part of the study the statistical significance of the impact of the certain elements of a histopahtological finding on the surgical treratment outcome was analyzed. The histopathological elements analyzed included: the hsitological tumor type grading according to Duke, ie Astler-Coller, and tumor, nodes, metastases (TNM) staging in the examined sample of 100 patients. Results. Statistically significant prognostic factors of the outcome of surgical treatment were selected after multivariant analysis. These factors comprise Astler-Coller-Dukes stage D (revealed in 77.78% patients died), stage IV according TNM classification (T1-4, N0-2, M1), histological structure (poorly diferentiated adenocarcinoma in 85.2% patents died) and type of tumor (mucynous adenocarcinoma was more often present in died, 77.78%). Since φ = 0.000 for four risk factors were formed using discriminant analysus, it was proved their significant influence on the outcome of surgical treatment. Discriminant coefficient showed that the greatest influence on surgical treatment were registred in patients with tumor of Astler-Coller-Dukes stage D (0.255), poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (histological structure) (0.139), mucynous adenocarcinoma (type of tumor) (0.074) and stage IV according to the TNM elassification (T1-4, N0-2, M1) (0.39). Conclusion. The prognostic factors influencing the outcome of surgery for colorectal carcinoma were defined. Patients with pathohistological finding of Astler-Coller-Dukes stage D, stage IV according to the TNM classification (T1-4, N0-2, M1) and poorly differentiated adenocarcioma have statistically highly significant mortality during the perioperative course of the disease.