Páginas a&b (Dec 2019)
A Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève: testemunho de uma visita. Paris, maio de 2019
Being a national, public and academic Library, Sainte-Geneviève Library (BSG), in the heart of Paris, right in the middle of Quartier Latin, at Place du Panthéon, has very special characteristics which, in a necessarily brief presentation, are mentioned in this text. Its magnificent building and precious collections are the main reason, along with a history of more than 1.000 years, for the importance and fame BSG has been gathering over the centuries. We were given the chance of a small trainee period at BSG, in May 2019, within the frame of ERASMUS+ program. This is why we were able to discover very interesting details about BSG collections, organization, functioning and programming. From the medieval manuscripts to the 2019 editions; from readers to staff; from the scientific politics to this year’s budget; from the restoration works to the ongoing fusion with SainteBarbe Library, we tried to honor, with this text, BSG and its name.