مجلة كلية التربية للبنات (Feb 2019)

The problems of teaching the subject of reciting the Holy Quran and memorizing it through the teachers of the subject and the female students' perspectives and finding the required solutions

  • احسان عمر محمد سعید احمد اسراء ابراھیم كامل

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 3


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The problem of the current paper is embodied in the weakness of the female students of the department of the Quran sciences in the college of Education for Women in the University of Baghdad in the subject of reciting and memorizing the Holy Quran. This is what the professors and the scientific and educational supervisors stress equally through their visits to the students applicants during the period of their practical application of teaching in the schools; especially that the subject is thought for four years during their study in the college. That weakness is so explicit with a quite large number of the students-applicants, who are supposed to be the future teachers in the subject of the Holy Quran and Islamic Education in the intermediate and secondary schools. Hence come the importance of finding the solutions for such a big problem as its main issue is totally related to the greatest divine Book of all, the Holy Quran, on one hand; and on the other hand, it is related to the out puts of the department of the Quran sciences and Islamic Education that is related to preparing qualified graduates to teach the Holy Quran in our schools. Therefore, the researchers have chosen to investigate the problem of teaching the subject of the Holy Quran recitation and its memorization through the perspectives of the teachers and the students and try to find the best solutions for them