CorSalud (Jun 2010)
RESULTADOS DE LA ESTIMULACIÓN CARDÍACA EN VILLA CLARA EN EL PERÍODO 2004-2006 / Results of cardiac pacing in Villa Clara during the period 2004-2006
Introduction and objectives: The success in the treatment of several arrhythmias depends greatly on the use of permanent pacemakers. With the course of time, their uses have been increasing. The objective of this study was to describe the behavior of the implantation of permanent pacemakers in Villa Clara province. Method: A descriptive, longitudinal, prospective and retrospective study was carried out with a group of patients who had pacemakers implanted at the Celestino Hernández Robau Hospital and the Ernesto Che Guevara Hospital in Santa Clara, Villa Clara, from 2004 to 2006. Results: A total of 914 pacemakers were implanted (266 in 2004, 292 in 2005 and 356 in 2006), and 724 of them were a first implantation. Males were 66.3 percent (p = 0,0217); 82,7 percent (756 patients) were over 60 years of age, and 57.8 percent were hospitalized. The principal way of the implantation was the cephalic one (80,5 %), followed by the subclavian one (18.6 %). The atrioventricular blocks caused 60,8 percent of the total of implants (574 patients) and the sick sinus syndrome 31.3 percent (286 patients). The dislocation of the electrodes was the most common complication (22 cases, representing 2,96 %). Conclusions: The patients were mainly elderly people (4:1); there were more pacemakers implanted in men than in women (2:1); the cephalic way was the most common way (4:1); the most common cause of implantation was the atrioventricular block, and the most common immediate complication was the dislocation of the electrode.