Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (May 2021)
COVID-19 Pandemic: health professionals’ perception about the assistance mentioned in television media
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ABSTRACT Objective: Exhibit the health professionals’ perception about the assistance provided during the COVID-19 pandemic mentioned television media. Methods: Qualitative study developed after analysis of the videos with a testimonial from practitioners assisting patients with COVID-19, presented by the series “Inside Here” (in Portuguese, “Aqui Dentro”), of Globo TV News Jornal Nacional, broadcasted in 2020. Textual data was processed by the software IRAMUTEQ with descending hierarchical classification and content analysis, having the theoretical framework as the psychodynamics of Dejours’ study. Results: Three categories emerged: work overload in assisting; subjective mobilization of health professionals; strategies to face in assisting. Final considerations: We verified the physical and psychic work overload during the assistance, but there was a concern to ensure a humanized care. Despite the difficulties faced, the recovery and discharge from patients generated motivation and satisfaction in front of the COVID-19 scenario.