Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Sep 2005)
Líquido cefalorraquidiano no diagnóstico da esquistossomose raquimedular Cerebrospinal fluid in the diagnosis of spinal schistosomiasis
As três espécies de esquistossoma podem comprometer o sistema nervoso. O S. mansoni é responsável pela esquistossomose no Brasil, sendo a mielopatia uma forma grave desta helmintose. O propósito deste trabalho é analisar as alterações do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) para dar mais subsídios para o diagnóstico da esquistossomose raquimedular. Fizeram parte deste estudo 22 amostras de LCR de pacientes com esquistossomose espinal. Os resultados das análises destas amostras mostraram que a associação de alterações do LCR com quadro inflamatório e RIFI-IgM positiva ocorreu em 88% dos pacientes, que o eosinófilo esteve presente em apenas 7 amostras (36,8%), e que 3 dos 22 pacientes estudados apresentaram LCR normal. Conclui-se que o exame de LCR é coadjuvante muito útil para o diagnóstico da neuroesquistossomose.Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) changes in spinal shistosomiasis have been described. Its characteristic features are mild to moderate pleocytosis, presence of eosinophils, slight to moderate protein increase, elevated gamma globulin concentration and a positive immune assay. Nevertheless, these abnormalities are not always present together and therefore difficulties may arise in the assessment of the diagnosis. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the importance of each CSF alteration concerning the diagnosis in 22 cases of spinal shistosomiasis. According to the results, only 20% of the cases had all the five feature that are considered to be characteristic of spinal shistomiasis. Abnormal cell count was present in 86%, protein increase in 77.3%, immunoglobulin G increase in 60,8%, eosinophils were present in 36.8% and indirect fluorescent antibody test was positive in 68.2%. In three cases all CSF parameters studied were within the normal limits. As the most specific test among those described was the indirect fluorescent antibody test, it should be regarded for the diagnosis.