RUDN Journal of Medicine (Dec 2009)
Reological and biochemical indexes of lymph at alloxan diabetes
In the present research their biochemical indicators were studied reologiq properties of a lymph and blood, and also at experimental aloksanov a diabetes at rats. Has been received at rats aloksanov a diabetes of 1st type, with absolute insulin insufficiency with glucose level in blood 20,5 ± 2,7 mmol/l. On this background increase of speed of a fibrillation and a lymph, their viscosity, shift рН a lymph and blood in the sour party, increase hematocrit, with number increase erythrocytes and thrombocytes in blood are found out. Infringements not only a carbohydrate exchange in a lymph, but also albuminous and accumulation in a lymph of end-products of a nitrogenous exchange were observed.