Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (Jul 2009)
Örgütsel Gelişmenin Sağlanmasında Dönüşümcü Liderlerin Rolü (The Role of Transformational Leadership to Provide Organizational Development)
Transformational leadership, takes place in organization and management literature since 1980s, is investigated intensively as a leadership style in recent years. On the other hand, also the studies done in the field of organizational development with the aim of developing a complete performance take part in the subjects which are searched in terms of whether organizational psychology or organizational management. When these two topics are evaluated together, it is clear that transformational leadership can be used to provide organizational development. The role and importance of transformational leadership for providing organizational development is discussed and the relation between the features of transformational leadership and the aims of organizational development is evaluated in this study.