Vìsnik Unìversitetu ìmenì Alʹfreda Nobelâ: Serìâ Pedagogìka ì Psihologiâ (Jun 2021)
The article examines organizational issues of the inclusive education implementation in Ukraine. The level of the society civilized development depends on its attitude to humans as the highest value based on respect, tolerance, a sympathetic treatment of everyone, and especially of people with special needs. The study argues that inclusion in Ukraine is being implemented in accordance with the international standards and universal values. Emphasis is placed on the «child-centered» education system, where a holistic approach dominates. It ensures the realization of equal rights and opportunities for everyone and provides equal access to quality education. The main terms for the strategy development from institutionalization to inclusion are: ensuring the right and possibility to choose an educational institution and curriculum according to child’s individual characteristics; implementing children’s achievement stimulation in various fields of activity; ensuring their socio-pedagogical protection, recognition of their rights and freedoms; inclusive competence of the scientific and pedagogical workers and applicants. Inclusive higher education ought to be developed on the principles of dialogue in the framework of partnership pedagogy, subject-subject relationships within a healthy educational environment, and the principles of coexistence, mutual sovereignty, free co-development, unity, and decision-making. The article provides scientifically-grounded information about the main components of teacher training necessary for working with students with special educational needs (motivational, cognitive, creative, activity-based), the principles of teachers’ activity aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental measures. The emphasis is laid on the analysis of the system of correctional, preventive, and developmental tasks, unity of diagnosis and corrective measures, corrective methods, the set of psychological influence methods, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students, and active involvement of the immediate social environment. Among the most important issues highlighted in the article are the problems occurring during the organization of inclusive education and its support. The study findings substantiate the significance of the preventive measures system helping to increase the efficiency of the corrective work during the inclusive education implementation at higher education institutions. An inclusive model of educational space implies a comprehensive approach that includes a system of educational services, namely an adaptation of curricula and plans, physical environment, innovative teaching methods and forms, use of the existing social resources, the involvement of parents, and cooperation with specialists to provide qualified services to people with special educational needs, and creating a comfortable educational environment. The main idea of the inclusive approach to education is that it is not the individual, who should adapt to social or social-economic relations, but society should create suitable conditions to meet the special needs of each and every individual.