Професійна освіта: методологія, теорія та технології (Dec 2024)

Development of vocational education in the context of globalisation and integration processes

  • Y. Lukashevych,
  • I. Popozohlo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 2
pp. 33 – 44


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The study aimed to explore the potential for adapting the best European practices in vocational education development for Ukraine amidst globalisation and integration processes. The research methodology encompassed the collection and analysis of legislative acts, statistical data, scholarly publications, and other information sources, alongside their comparison using quantitative and qualitative indicators. The key findings identified significant differences and shared characteristics between the vocational education systems of Ukraine and selected European Union countries – Germany, Finland, and Poland. Comparative analysis revealed that the German dual education system, Finland’s innovative approach, and Poland’s experience in educational reform represent promising models for study and partial adaptation within Ukraine’s education system. The analysis was conducted to assess the effectiveness of various vocational education models and to determine their adaptability to the Ukrainian context. The results demonstrated considerable potential for incorporating European practices into Ukraine’s vocational education system. It was established that integrating models from Germany, Finland, and Poland could enhance education effectiveness, particularly through the introduction of the dual system, the individualisation of learning, and legislative reform. The successful implementation of these changes requires consideration of cultural and economic differences, as well as active collaboration between educational institutions, the state, and businesses. Exploring the mechanisms for introducing European practices and their impact on Ukrainian education will facilitate more precise and effective reform implementation. The study’s findings suggested that Ukraine can significantly enhance its vocational education system by adopting certain elements from the experiences of European countries. The introduction of the dual system could improve graduates’ integration into the labour market, while Finnish approaches to individualised learning could raise education quality. Poland’s experience with reforms could also prove beneficial for adapting Ukraine’s legislative framework and education financing.Thus, the research provided specific recommendations for modernising vocational education in Ukraine, guided by the best European practices
