ABEI Journal (Feb 2023)
An Untold History: Unprecedented Translations of Excerpts from Ulysses in Brazil
This article presents research undertaken with the purpose of filling the gaps in the records of James Joyce’s translations in Brazil. Its specificity, however, resides in a more limited scope of this vast corpus: two excerpts from Ulysses already translated into Brazilian Portuguese, but which had remained scattered among pages of newspapers. They are the twelfth part of the episode “Wandering Rocks”, translated by Erasmo Pilloto (1946) and an excerpt from “Hades”, translated by Patrícia Galvão (1947). By undertaking the history of translation approach, this study aims at doing more than simply chronologically presenting translated facts, for it will also 1) relate these texts to the context that gave rise to them 2) introduce the translator, for little is known about the Brazilian translation scene and 3) provide, with descriptive and interpretive purpose, some samples of these translation works