Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) (Oct 2022)
Effect of hydromagnetic squeeze film between non-porous rough triangular plates
The current investigation analyse the impact of hydromagnetic squeeze film between non-porous rough triangular plates. The bearing surface are viewed transversely rough. The Christensen and Tonder model is embraced for transverse roughness. The concerned Reynolds type equations are solved with appropriate boundary conditions to get pressure distribution, which is used to get load carrying capacity. The outcomes are indicated graphically. The outcomes demonstrate that the magnetization parameter and conductivity increase load carrying capacity, while standard deviation decreases load carrying capacity. Further, the negative mean expands the load carrying capacity. So, appropriate values of magnetization parameter and conductivity improves the performance of bearing system by enhancing load carrying capacity. It is fascinating to take note of that qualities of bearing can be improved for non-porous squeeze film compare to porous squeeze film.