Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo (Oct 2020)

When peasantry becomes a verb: peasantry the school!

  • Camila Zucon Ramos de Siqueira,
  • Maria de Fátima Almeida Martins

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5
pp. 1 – 27


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The purpose of this article is to discuss the relationship between the peasantry, the educational process of peasant work and the school. To deal with this issue, we started with readings on the peasantry, Rural Education and Pedagogy of Alternation, as well as the analysis of data from the doctoral research developed in the northern territory of Espírito Santo, in the Southeast of Brazil, where peasant pedagogy has been expanded to several public schools. Pedagogy of Alternation, one of the ways found by peasants to educate their children, brings the voice and peasant productive and cultural practices to the training process, with the triad of land, work and family being the pillar of this experience. What we found in this research was a practice of the peasant movement and its attempt to include the school in the maintenance of this triad with the purpose of educating critically, implying an educational project that meets the horizons of emancipation built collectively - not only of schooling.
