PRX Quantum (Jun 2021)
Hidden Time-Reversal Symmetry, Quantum Detailed Balance and Exact Solutions of Driven-Dissipative Quantum Systems
Driven-dissipative quantum systems generically do not satisfy simple notions of detailed balance based on the time symmetry of correlation functions. We show that such systems can nonetheless exhibit a hidden time-reversal symmetry, which most directly manifests itself in a doubled version of the original system prepared in an appropriate entangled thermofield double state. This hidden time-reversal symmetry has a direct operational utility: it provides a general method for finding exact solutions of nontrivial steady states. Special cases of this approach include the coherent quantum absorber and complex-P function methods from quantum optics. We also show that hidden time-reversal symmetry has observable consequences even in single-system experiments, and can be broken by the nontrivial combination of nonlinearity, thermal fluctuations, and driving. To illustrate our ideas, we analyze concrete examples of driven qubits and nonlinear cavities. These systems exhibit hidden time-reversal symmetry but not conventional detailed balance.