Podium (Aug 2014)

The psychology in the marti thought, an alternative for the curricular work and value formation

  • Vladimir Medina-Vaillant,
  • Naivi Lanza-Escobar,
  • Analeiby Martínez-Ramos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 2
pp. 217 – 221


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With this work, the authors pretend to approach to the psychological contents tried by Martí in his time, with the current knowledge that expresses the contemporary Psychology, through an analysis of different items contained in the work on the Martí´s. The author should clarify that although he didn't use the term Psychology, in this analysis it will be made starting from the treaty of the soul, where the same ones are evidenced and they have a great validity at the present time. This will allow us to size the figure and our apostle's work, in favour of the cognitive development of our youths and of those that are interested in his work, contributing to the formation of our youth's and students' values, facilitating in this way an alternative for the formation of their integral general culture.
