Revista de estudios teóricos y epistemológicos en política educativa (Jun 2016)

Research and educational policies in Argentina: two terms of an equation of institutional weakness

  • Guillermina Tiramonti

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 2
pp. 398 – 414


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The objective of this text is to analyze the development of the field of academic production on the subject of educational policies, during the period from the beginning of democracy in 1983 until 2015. In order to facilitate this analysis, we will divide this period into two different moments: the first moment is that of configuration, where we identify the actors that operate and produce in the academic sphere and account for its characteristics. The second moment is the one that begins in 2000, marked by the crisis and by the redefinition of relationships between the different actors from academia and the political power, that have a significant impact on the contents and discourses generated at that time.
