Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea (Mar 2015)
Una casa dolce e decente è la prima lezione per diventare buoni cittadini: ordine sociale e disagio abitativo nella cultura urbana torinese tra Ottocento e Novecento
At the end of the XIX century, housing issues were oriented mainly by the important sensibilization of health disciplines, also in connection with reclamation works incentivated by the special law for Naples in 1885. In Turin, the decisions made at the beginning of XX century were nonetheless determined by the dyscrasias between urban social groupes: boulevards, à la page squares and eclectic buildings on one side and the decadent housings of low-income classes on the other side. The new century, therefore, kept the antinomies among the different souls of the city, that even the law on popular housings, in 1903, could not solve.