Farmacia Hospitalaria (Jul 2015)

Applying dose banding to the production of antineoplastic drugs: a narrative review of the literature

  • Pablo Pérez Huertas,
  • Margarita Cueto Sola,
  • Paloma Escobar Cava,
  • Carmela Borrell García,
  • Asunción Albert Marí,
  • Eduardo López Briz,
  • José Luis Poveda Andrés

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 39, no. 4
pp. 210 – 216


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The dosage of antineoplastic drugs has historically been based on individualized prescription and preparation according to body surface area or patient´s weight. Lack of resources and increased assistance workload in the areas where chemotherapy is made, are leading to the development of new systems to optimize the processing without reducing safety. One of the strategies that has been proposed is the elaboration by dose banding. This new approach standardizes the antineoplastic agents doses by making ranges or bands accepting a percentage of maximum variation. It aims to reduce processing time with the consequent reduction in waiting time for patients; to reduce errors in the manufacturing process and to promote the rational drug use. In conclusion, dose banding is a suitable method for optimizing the development of anticancer drugs, obtaining reductions in oncologic patients waiting time but without actually causing a favorable impact on direct or indirect costs.
