Известия высших учебных заведений: Проблемы энергетики (Jan 2022)
Research of current distribution by phases in asynchronous electric motor with a combined winding
THE PURPOSE. To consider the features of power supply system of oil and gas production complex, variety of layout of electrical complexes of producing wells. To develop a universal methodology for determining optimal voltage value in power supply center, that is, on substation power bus.METHODS. When calculating voltage in power supply center, which provides a certain amount of voltage on stator of most remote electric motor, method of equalizing potentials in nodes of outgoing line was used when calculating loads of elements of electrical complexes of producing wells. The development of a methodology for calculating optimal voltage of power supply center was carried out using the method of cognition, which was called ascent from simple to complex. The search for optimal voltage value of power supply center must be carried out by numerical methods with involvement of a software product that allows use of search algorithms.RESULTS. The article proposes a method for calculating optimal voltage of power supply center of outgoing line of an oil and gas producing enterprise. The developed technique can be applied under a wide range of energy optimization criteria and for any configuration of outgoing line circuit, takes into account technological features of the process of mechanized oil production and ensures a reduction in electricity consumption.CONCLUSION. The calculation method considered in article makes it possible to develop an optimal list of organizational and technical measures for voltage regulation in distribution network in order to reduce power consumption.