Revista de Ciências da Administração : RCA (Jan 2000)
Avaliação dos padrões de competitividade à luz do desenvolvimento sustentável: o caso da indústria Trombini de Papel e Embalagens S/A em Santa Catarina
The objective of this study is to get to know the analyzed organization, its behavior and development related to SD - Sustainable Development as a competitive and enterprise excellence strategy. For this purpose, the study assesses the way SD has affected the competitive patterns of TPE Trombini Papel e Embalagens S/A when the organization adds sustainable variables to the main components of its competition pattern. The study identifies and describes the competitive patterns that are affected, still showing how the phenomenon influences from the planning activity until the goals and operational procedures of the organization, taking into account the sustainable strategies. The formal establishment of an environmental ethic supposes the discovery or reinforcement of organization and management values, directed for the ecological preservation, the search for continuous improvement and human being development. The formal management of the environment at the TPE occurs in five dimensions, which are: the ethic-cultural, the pedagogic, the operational, the management and the institutional relations with the community. KEYWORDS: Sustainable development; Clean technologies; Pulp and paper; Sustainable strategies; Lifecycle analysis - LCA