Paediatrica Indonesiana (Jun 2013)
Effect of vitamin A on severity of acute diarrhea in children
Background Vitamin A deficiency may increase the risk or be a cause of diarrhea. Many studies have been conducted on the efficacy of vitamin A in the management of acute diarrhea, but the outcomes remain inconclusive. Objective To determine the effectiveness of vitamin A in reducing the severity of acute diarrhea in children. Methods We performed a singleblindrandomized controlled trial in the Secanggang District, Langkat Regency, North of Sumatera, from August 2009 to January 2010 in children aged 6 months to 5 years, who had diarrheas. Subjects were divided into two groups. Group 1 received a single dose of vitamin A (100,000 IU for subjects aged 6 to 11 month old or with body weights :s 10 kg, or 200,000 IU for subjects aged 2: 12 month old or with body weights> 10 kg). Group 2 received a single dose of placebo. The establishment of severity was based on changes in diarrheal frequency, stool consistency, volume and duration of diarrhea after treatment. We performed independent Ttest and Chi square tests for statistical analyses. The study was an intentiontotreat analysis. Results We enrolled 120 children who were randomized into two groups of 60 subjects each. Group 1, received vitamin A and group 2 received a placebo. The results showed significant differences between the two groups in stool volume starting on the first day (95%CI 192.30 to 3237.51; PO.OOI), as well as diarrheal frequency (P=O.OOl) and stool consistency (P=O.OOl) on the second day observation and duration of diarrhea following treatment (95%CI - 40.60 to - 25.79; PO.OOI;). Conclusions Vitamin A supplementation is effective in reducing the severity of acute diarrhea in children under five years of age. [Paediatr lndones. 2013;53:125-31.]