Transformación (Sep 2017)

Aulas virtuales para el aprendizaje reflexivo de la biología / Virtual tools for Biology reflective learning

  • . Marisela de la Caridad Guerra Salcedo,
  • Lina Aurora Camp os Martínez,
  • Magalys Palomino Palomino

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 3
p. 401-4012


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This paper aims to back up the concept of virtual classrooms in Biology and Chemistry courses as a contribution to the reflective learning of biological contents, methods of theoretical, empirical and mathematical, statistical levels were used. As a result, five virtual classrooms corresponding to the subjects Microbiology, Zoology I, Zoology II, Ecological Genetics II and Biodiversity were structured. These consist of resources such as files, archives, and URL, as well as different activities (forum, homework, quiz, glossary, and Wiki). 133 tasks designed to address shortcomings in learning from the different activities of the virtual environment were developed, in which reflexive, evaluative, interdisciplinary and dialogic aspects prevail. The seminar, practical activities and study guides are also offered to increase, the quality of the student’s study activities. The experimental introduction of the proposal in the second, a fourth and fifth year of the course evidence its effectiveness, expressed in reflective nature of learning and the students’ satisfaction
