Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy (Nov 2020)
Anthropological data on the 16th–19th century necropolis discovered at Aroneanu Monastery (Iaşi county, Romania)
The present paper represents an anthropological study performed on a sample of 79 skeletons, originated from inhumation tombs and reburials, discovered in the necropolis of Aroneanu Monastery of Iași (Iași county, Romania). The necropolis, dating from the 16th-19th centuries, was discovered in 2014. After estimating the age at death and sex, followed by metric data analysis, a typological and paleodemographic study was done. Most skeletons were recorded in the maturus category (59.49%), followed by infans I and II (21.52%), adultus (11.39%), senilis (5.06%) and juvenis (2.53%). The estimated average lifespan for the entire sample subjected to study (0–x years) is 37.07 years, while the values recorded for sex (20-x years) were of 47.73 years in male and 41.97 years in female subjects, respectively. Distribution by sex categories indicates a higher masculinity index. Typologically, the skeletal sample analysed corresponds to the general tendency of population mixture in the medieval period. Thus, we observed the predominance of the Mediterranido-Dynaric elements, to which Alpinoid and Nordoid influences were added.